This is my first posting and where to begin?
I have a reason for this Blog. I want to create a network strengthening the diversity of mankind.
Why am I so passionate about this issue?
There could be many reasons. One is of course that I'm married to a woman with a different ethnic origin then me. She is from a Chinese family, grew up in South East Asia and moved with me to Sweden after marrying me 8 years ago. I was a typical swedish spoiled kid growing up in post II:nd World War Sweden during the sixties and seventies.
Another reason fueling my passion for diversity is of course our four children who were born in Sweden but look half chinese and think partly chinese.
A third possible reason is probably that I was priveledge to live and work 3,5 years in South East Asia, in a multi cultural, multi religious, multi lingual and multi ethnic society. Over there I was the immigrant, an experience with two dimensions:
Dimension 1: Being looked upon as a stranger, intruder and an alien. Being segregated from society. Not understanding everything that is being said etc.
Dimension 2: Got some healthy distance to Sweden and looked upon my home country from the outside with different eyes.
A fourth reason could be that I'm deeply concerned about young people who associate themselves with groups of rasists and take out their disappointment and need for revenge on people they are afraid of i.e. people that look different, think different and act different.
In Sweden we have two good words to describe these two opposites:
MÃ¥ngfald=manifold, diversity
Enfald=monofold, also means stupidity in swedish
I can't find the word monofold in the dictionary. This word may therefore be my first contribution to the english language.
What is my vision?
"People who fell in Love and crossed over ethnic borders unite. We and our children are the living examples that the rasists are wrong. Mixed blood is not wrong, mixed races are not against nature. Mixed culture, religion, traditions is the mirrorimage of the world. And we who live with it daily, in our families, prove that differences can be overcome, can make life more exciting and also be the dynamics of further positive evolution. If we can handle it the world could handle it. Love Across Borders is the answer."
Note: I dont't think it's wrong to build families within our own race. This is not to advocate people to engage in interracial relationships. My point is that interracial families, with their children, prove that relationships across the ethnic borders can work out as well as and sometimes better than relationships within the same race. It is of my interest to know how these interracial relationships work. I believe these experiences and this knowledge could be used in building a better world.
Finally I want to explain why I write under a pseudonym. In Sweden we have small groups of people who like to throw stones and Molotov Cocktails into peoples homes. My name is unique i.e. there is only one person in Sweden with my name. All U need is to search my name in the national phone directory on the internet and Swiiiiisch we may have a "cocktail party" in our hands. I prefer a glass of white wine or a beer.
That's all for today.
I have a reason for this Blog. I want to create a network strengthening the diversity of mankind.
Why am I so passionate about this issue?
There could be many reasons. One is of course that I'm married to a woman with a different ethnic origin then me. She is from a Chinese family, grew up in South East Asia and moved with me to Sweden after marrying me 8 years ago. I was a typical swedish spoiled kid growing up in post II:nd World War Sweden during the sixties and seventies.
Another reason fueling my passion for diversity is of course our four children who were born in Sweden but look half chinese and think partly chinese.
A third possible reason is probably that I was priveledge to live and work 3,5 years in South East Asia, in a multi cultural, multi religious, multi lingual and multi ethnic society. Over there I was the immigrant, an experience with two dimensions:
Dimension 1: Being looked upon as a stranger, intruder and an alien. Being segregated from society. Not understanding everything that is being said etc.
Dimension 2: Got some healthy distance to Sweden and looked upon my home country from the outside with different eyes.
A fourth reason could be that I'm deeply concerned about young people who associate themselves with groups of rasists and take out their disappointment and need for revenge on people they are afraid of i.e. people that look different, think different and act different.
In Sweden we have two good words to describe these two opposites:
MÃ¥ngfald=manifold, diversity
Enfald=monofold, also means stupidity in swedish
I can't find the word monofold in the dictionary. This word may therefore be my first contribution to the english language.
What is my vision?
"People who fell in Love and crossed over ethnic borders unite. We and our children are the living examples that the rasists are wrong. Mixed blood is not wrong, mixed races are not against nature. Mixed culture, religion, traditions is the mirrorimage of the world. And we who live with it daily, in our families, prove that differences can be overcome, can make life more exciting and also be the dynamics of further positive evolution. If we can handle it the world could handle it. Love Across Borders is the answer."
Note: I dont't think it's wrong to build families within our own race. This is not to advocate people to engage in interracial relationships. My point is that interracial families, with their children, prove that relationships across the ethnic borders can work out as well as and sometimes better than relationships within the same race. It is of my interest to know how these interracial relationships work. I believe these experiences and this knowledge could be used in building a better world.
Finally I want to explain why I write under a pseudonym. In Sweden we have small groups of people who like to throw stones and Molotov Cocktails into peoples homes. My name is unique i.e. there is only one person in Sweden with my name. All U need is to search my name in the national phone directory on the internet and Swiiiiisch we may have a "cocktail party" in our hands. I prefer a glass of white wine or a beer.
That's all for today.
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