“WOMEN OF THE WORLD UNITE --WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR MEN!" Or; why do western men marry Asian women?

Why do western men marry Asian women?
I believe some answers can be found in the women’s liberation movement that started in the sixties and from where above slogan is taken. This movement was strong in USA and Western Europe.
It is a challenge to try to explain what the woman’s liberation movement was and is, because it was and still is a broad variation of ideas that lead to a broad group of woman’s lib organisations.
One dominant ingredient was socialism that struck against capitalism.
Another ingredient was feminism that struck against the patriarch dominance in western society. On top of that there were also lesbian groups and black women groups fighting for their special interests.
In other words you have:
-Socialist women’s lib
-Socialist feminist women’s lib
-Socialist lesbian feminist women’s lib
-Black socialist woman’s lib
-Black socialist feminist women’s lib
-Black socialist lesbian feminist women’s lib
-Feminists (not socialist)
-Lesbian feminists (not socialist)
I’m not listing these groups to make fun of Women’s lib, I do it to describe that this is not a homogeneous group.
There are also groups of women with Christian foundation that fight for the women’s right to be respected as home workers and be entitled to pension and other social benefits while they are home taking care of their children. These groups are not really associated with the women’s lib but they exist and I think they should be considered as a fraction of women’s lib.
A lot of the Women’s lib was about getting the same rights as men, right to career, right to the same salary for the same job, right to have the same status in society as men, right to the same freedom as men meaning, birth control, divorce, right to financial assets, etc.
And the Women’s lib movement gave the women some of this, but not all of it and it certainly had a price.
In Sweden today it’s nothing strange with women taking up a career. Sweden has many successful women in business and politics. But these women have to do their career on men’s conditions.
The price men pay for their career is; little time for family and children. Many men with careers still have a family because they have a wife supporting their careers. Maybe a staying home wife or a wife who prioritize her husband’s career before her own.
Few career women have husbands that stay home and prioritize their wife’s career. Therefore many career women have fewer kids or no kids or not even their own family.
During the sixties Sweden had a strong growing economy. Sweden lacked labour. The Social Democrat government jumped on the “women’s lib train” and spread propaganda that women should go out and work. A massive production program of government nursery schools where performed. This is to make society take over the responsibillty of rasing and diciplining our children to make it possible for the mothers to work.
The avarage salaries in Sweden gradually decreased in the same speed as the households economy increased due to two incomes instead of just one.
The price women and families paid were:
-Women compete with men on men’s condition.
-Forget to have many children and a big family.
-You leave the responsibillity of raising your children to someone else.
-In the end if you have a family, your houshold's purchase power has not increased as much as the increase of the total hours you and your spouse spend at work!
The whole women’s lib movement was, and still is, a movement with very little men involvement.
What men think about the whole thing is not important for the women’s lib because men are also the enemy. This has become a problem. One sex can not change the world without the other sex contribution.
So, western men are still pretty much like they were before the women’s lib movement started.
What does that really mean?
It means that most men still want to have a wife that focus on family and children. A lot of men want to have many children.
Technology is shrinking the world. Western men are gradually realizing that the women’s lib is a western phenomenon. When western men go to Asia (who didn't have a women's lib movement) they find women who are raised in a more traditional family oriented environment. A lot of these women also identify with the ideal of primary being the wife and mother.
I personally don’t mind women having a career. But I also believe that the best career a woman can have is to bring up her and her husband's children. After all, when we die, our contribution to this world will be our children.
Everything else my wife and I do is to be able to have a big family.
hmm..."having a housewife at home while men busying on his career" is that the reason Western men marry Asian women?
I hope not.
Liew Hui Mei, at 8:54 AM
Nothing wrong if a couple agree that the wife (or the husband) stay home and take care of the children and family.
Nothing strange if in 999 cases out of a 1000 it is the woman who stays home. She is closest to the baby the first year and she is in most families, the one with the lowest income.
And I think it is wrong to look down on women who leave a working career and choose to stay home and take responsibility for bringing up their children.
These women are heroines to me.
Man in Love with Life, at 5:06 PM
I cannot speak for the Western men who choose to marry Asian women but being an Asian woman who is married to a Western man, I would say that the whole 'hoo-hah' surrounding this topic is highly over-rated...
The reason being that people thrive when they are on common and familiar ground and whenever someone goes against the trend, then it is viewed as different or strange.
Marrying across cultures and races has become more and more common and less of a taboo now but of course there will always be a small percentage of people who question the genuineness of such a relationship. People need to lighten up and look beyond the surface, forget about the colours of our skin and instead focus on the fact that we are all human, childen of God.
Choosing to stay home to raise your children is a privillege rather than a chore. Being a homemaker is not degrading and demeaning and in fact I believe it is one of the most important careers available to women. It is about shaping the hearts and minds of our future, the generation who will inherit the world when we are gone. Why do we always think that women who are not out in the world 'earning' an income is less worldly and not contributing to the society ? Why do women feel that it is more important to go to work and take care of other people's children and less important to stay home and take care of your own children ?
What it all boils down to is when you have an income, you get more respect ? What does it tell you about the society we are in ?
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM
My answer after several interviews with men with asian wives as well as men with wives of their own race ...
"I want to come back to the comfort of a home where I can hear my wife telling me 'dinner will be ready soon, honey' ... a wife who updates me what's been going on the whole day with her and the kids ... a wife who would listen to me fret about an unhappy day at work ... someone who talks and discusses with me ... someone who wouldnt argue that she wants to be equal but rather mutually agree on things which makes a relationship and family function as it should be.'
In my opinion, most men are contented if they have a wife who is understanding and loving. After all, God has created man to take care of a woman and his children. In return for his hardwork, the woman plays her role in managing the household and to nurture and take care of their children. To make a family function, it takes two to make it happen.
There is nothing wrong with women staying home. They shouldnt be deprived of their choices. Instead they should be well respected because running the household and nurturing the children is a difficult task.
My mom has been a housewife all her life. I respect and love her because she had done a great job in bringing us all up in a good manner. A woman who prefers to stay home to look after the children and to take care of the necessities to make a home function is as capable as a working career woman. After all, she wasnt sitting home shaking her legs while we roam around like some homeless kids. She did her job ... she made sure we get out breakfast, lunch and dinner ... she made sure we did our homework so that we wont get scolded the next day at school ... she corrected us from the mistakes we made. She would tuck us to bed. Made sure we have enough clothes in a cold rainy morning ... isnt she great?
Bottomline, I do not wish to live in denial. Instead live with compromise and accept my role as a wife and mother to my husband and son.
There is always an opportunity cost to what we do.
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM
i got to know many koreans and japanese during my brief studies in china, and i must say that they still find it their duty to stick to traditional roles of wife and mother. it's probably the case of many asians.
in my case, and with many of my malaysian friends (in our 20s), i can safely say that i just can't see myself staying at home. while i think raising a family is a very important thing, and keeping a house running is a full-time job in itself, i have 101 other aspirations which can't be done at home!!!
perhaps this is because my mother works and we have house help at home, and i don't think i was deprived in any way. but i also think it's a privilege to have the freedom to study and work, and with very strong support from my dad and bf. i know of many who have to get married and are made to stop studying/working. i can't ever imagine myself in that situation.
when i eventually get married, i would like to be able to say "dinner is almost done", but during the day i'm still going to work! it's not about income or climbing the corporate ladder, i am hoping to be a researcher :)
chia, at 1:17 PM
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