Three small words to maintain Love

But they have to be spoken. Remember; what is not spoken doesn’t exist.
Three actions to maintain your Love:
Action 1. Tell your spouse you Love her/him every morning.
Action 2. Call your spouse once a day and tell her/him you Love her/him.
Action 3. Tell your spouse you Love her/him every night before you go to sleep.
Do this even if you don’t feel you are in the mood of doing it.
Doing this will help you keep your Love alive.
By doing this it will be easier to say “I Love you” also when times get tough and that is when it’s needed most.
Remember you cannot say this too many times. No one who loves you get tired of hearing you say “I Love you”.
You can also do this to your children everyday. If you do, and continue to do so, you teach them to do the same back. They will start to tell you they love you. If you keep this up and never stop they may also continue to do this when they become teenagers and adults.
There is nothing that makes me happier than when my children tell me “Papa, I Love you”.
If you tell your spouse and children you love them every time you go to work or leave them just for a moment or maybe longer and while you are gone you have an accident and die. This will be the last thing they remember you said. When they think of you they will remember this and will make them happy.
Of course the words are not enough, you have to mean it. Repeating “I Love you” everyday will help you remember and stay in contact with your own feelings that made you fall in Love the first time.
These three little words, if spoken out, can be used as an indicator and steering tool of the short term development of your feelings. If you say them everyday, you will soon be aware that some days they sound less convincing to yourself and maybe also to your spouse. When you hear this you must ask yourself why they sound less convincing. Maybe it is something you have to let out of your chest and share with your Love. And when you do share, the words will get back their energy and sound convincing to you again.
Isn’t it amazing what three little words can do?
If you don’t believe me, try it out.
This advice is for free and you have nothing to lose, but you can win lifelong Love.