Chopsticks VS Fork & Knife
During a lunch at a nearby Chinese Restaurant, while some of my Swedish colleagues were practicing their chopstick skills, suddenly one of my colleagues asked me:”Are you eating with chopsticks at home?”
Since his tone was weird and had a slight clang of indignation I decided to give him a thorough answer.
I said; “yes, we eat Chinese food with chopsticks and western food with fork and knife. Why do you ask?”
The guy looked at me; I could se his eyes rolling and hear the wheels spinning in his head.
He asked: ”Why do you eat with chopsticks when you have fork and knife?” Followed by: ”Fork and knife is so much better than Chopsticks.”
“Are they?” I asked back.
He looked at the chopsticks in his hands and looked back at med and said: “Isn’t it obvious?”
The guy was trying to make an understatement. Maybe something like; aren’t you aware that chopsticks are one step behind fork and knife in the evolution of human eating tools. First we used our hands, and then came chopsticks and on top of the chain there was the fork and knife.
“Eating with chopstick can sometimes be easier than eating with fork and knife.” I said.
The indignation increased. “You can’t seriously mean that chopsticks are more practical than fork and spoon. You can’t cut with them and you must drop a lot more food eating with chopsticks compared to eating with fork and knife.”
“I am serious” I said. “If you eat Chinese food, cooked the Chinese way, with the bowl lifted up in your left hand and the chopsticks in your right hand it can be very suitable and practical.”
“Ha, you just say that because you are married to a Chinese” he replied.
“No, I say that because I mean it” I countered.
Actually this guy was my nearest boss and I didn’t like him very much. I enjoyed arguing with him.
So I continued: “Do you have a problem with that?”
Now I really triggered him off.
“I think its so damn stupid, why can’t people adjust to the customs in the country they live in. Why not accept the traditions and ways we have here in Sweden, is there something wrong with them?"
I waited some seconds to let his words sink in a bit deeper in our audience.
Then I said: “Tell me frankly; if you meet a Chinese girl, you marry her and you move to China with here, would you give up eating with fork and knife?”
He looked at me and realized I got him.
Chopsticks VS Fork and Knife 1-0
Since his tone was weird and had a slight clang of indignation I decided to give him a thorough answer.
I said; “yes, we eat Chinese food with chopsticks and western food with fork and knife. Why do you ask?”
The guy looked at me; I could se his eyes rolling and hear the wheels spinning in his head.
He asked: ”Why do you eat with chopsticks when you have fork and knife?” Followed by: ”Fork and knife is so much better than Chopsticks.”
“Are they?” I asked back.
He looked at the chopsticks in his hands and looked back at med and said: “Isn’t it obvious?”
The guy was trying to make an understatement. Maybe something like; aren’t you aware that chopsticks are one step behind fork and knife in the evolution of human eating tools. First we used our hands, and then came chopsticks and on top of the chain there was the fork and knife.
“Eating with chopstick can sometimes be easier than eating with fork and knife.” I said.
The indignation increased. “You can’t seriously mean that chopsticks are more practical than fork and spoon. You can’t cut with them and you must drop a lot more food eating with chopsticks compared to eating with fork and knife.”
“I am serious” I said. “If you eat Chinese food, cooked the Chinese way, with the bowl lifted up in your left hand and the chopsticks in your right hand it can be very suitable and practical.”
“Ha, you just say that because you are married to a Chinese” he replied.
“No, I say that because I mean it” I countered.
Actually this guy was my nearest boss and I didn’t like him very much. I enjoyed arguing with him.
So I continued: “Do you have a problem with that?”
Now I really triggered him off.
“I think its so damn stupid, why can’t people adjust to the customs in the country they live in. Why not accept the traditions and ways we have here in Sweden, is there something wrong with them?"
I waited some seconds to let his words sink in a bit deeper in our audience.
Then I said: “Tell me frankly; if you meet a Chinese girl, you marry her and you move to China with here, would you give up eating with fork and knife?”
He looked at me and realized I got him.
Chopsticks VS Fork and Knife 1-0
I still remember the very first time you learn to use the chopsticks. You were really motivated to learn and it didn't take you long to master them and you have even impressed my family with your manouvers the first time you had dinner with them.
They rated your skill : 10/10
But what really impress me is your willingness to accept others, be it people or culture or simply ideas. It is not surprising that others are drawn to you when they get to know the real you.
Anonymous, at 6:27 PM
isnt it the same... if you met with a malaysian or swede or finn and fall in love crazily, wouldnt you want to learn how to speak in their language?
nilij, at 6:27 AM
I think I posted something in this topic but it didnt come through?!
To love a person is also to take the initiative to learn and cultivate one's culture.
Anonymous, at 8:28 PM
What your mate doesn't realise is in Chinese cooking, everything is sliced and diced into smaller pieces before cooking so Chinese people don't need forks and knives. Western cooking dictates chunks of meat or vegetable that has not been diced so that is why most Westerners use forks and knives - because they need to!
But you gave a good answer anyway. =) You friend should learn to understand the reasons behind the way things are instead of living in a closed state of mind.
Bravo to you!!
Anonymous, at 2:40 PM
Besides chopsticks, fork and knife, i like to eat with my hand when i have Malay or Indian food.
Liew Hui Mei, at 7:23 PM
You want to know why Asia uses chop sticks first realize that tradition Asian food is cooked in little chopped bits not because of edacit but because it takes less fuel to cook important in ancient china where they would have to cut down a forest just to cook a cities food second understand that the fork and knife first arrived in Europe only for the rich imagine simply the poor farmer of ancient. China who uses twigs to eat his food do you still think chopsticks are important really the only reason they exist is because of the shear economic problem of feeding a billion people so I so eat your rice with a fork
Anonymous, at 1:35 AM
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